Afero's IoT platform empowers manufacturers to bring secure,
user-friendly products to market, faster.
Finding a secure, simple, and economical way to connect things to the internet is tough. Luckily, that's what the patented Afero technology does like no other.
Whether large or tiny, fixed or mobile, the Afero Platform makes it possible to connect things to the internet securely, at speed, and at scale.
Afero IoT Patents
IoT Connections
By 2028
Afero IoT Platform
IoT Market Size
By 2029

"We're also excited to build on the success of our Hubspace Smart Home platform, expanding our assortment across several categories such as door locks, lighting control, fixtures and ceiling fans. Hubspace makes it easier to set up and manage your smart home products and pairs well with voice-controlled operating systems."
— Home Depot
Let's connect your products to customers.
How does Afero help your products?
By leveling-up connectivity.
By implementing unparalleled security.
By making data actionable.

Real-simple connectivity
Most intuitive product engagement of any IoT Platform.
Enterprise-grade security
IoT specific security that extends through your supply chain, backed by hardware root of trust and VPN-like tunneling without pairing.
Build products fast
Designed to power your entire portfolio.
Unique customizations
All products aren't the same. Nor are users. We tailor your solution to perfectly match both.
Data at scale
We're built to power billions of devices. That's yottabytes of data.
DNA-level IP innovators
We have one of the largest IoT patent portfolios.

A more educated and secure Smart Home— powered by Afero
From intelligent lighting to intuitive appliances, Afero provides a clear, proven and secure path to IoT. See what we can do for your product.